FAQ Friday: Tipping your artist

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Today’s topic involves a tattoo etiquette that is slightly awkward, but it shouldn’t be, and I am here to hopefully help stop that way of thinking! Tipping an artist is something that people have a difficult time approaching. The question is not always should or shouldn’t they, but also what the appropriate amount is to give. While tipping an artist is never expected, because it is understood that you just paid a hefty amount on the tattoo itself, a tip is always appreciated! I believe a majority of the confusion comes from the fact that most people do not understand the background of how an artist gets paid. With most tattoo shops it is a requirement that the artist pay the owners for using their space and resources. Tattoo artists do not take home all the money paid by their clients because a certain percentage of those earnings go towards shop fees. However, whatever tip amount is given to the artist is completely theirs to take home.

Now, what is a good amount to tip a tattoo artist? A good rule of thumb to follow is that the courteous amount to tip can range anywhere between 15-25% from the total cost of the service provided to you. For something intricate and custom to you like a tattoo, it is respectable to pay more. Once that decision is made, the next step people are perplexed about is what method is more coveted? Cash? Card? Artists will typically appreciate a cash tip more often than a tip on card because it’s instantly available to spend! If a tip is added on to the tattoo bill via card payment, it is usually rolled into the artist’s paycheck where taxes and such are deducted. Although, either way is a great option!

With all that being said, I do want to reiterate that tips are never expected but they are greatly appreciated. Tip when and if you can, there is absolutely no pressure, and we would never want our clients to feel that way. Our artists enjoy creating art, bringing your ideas to life, building new possible friendships, and seeing how in love you are with your new tattoo at the end of your appointment! 

So many tattoo etiquettes to discuss, which one should we talk about next?? Is there another major one that you are unsure of? Leave it in the comments below and check back Friday for another one!
